Call for Abstracts
The Call for Abstracts for this year's EuHEA PhD & Supervisor Conference is open now.
We invite PhD students and early career researchers who are interested in presenting at the conference to submit an abstract by March 15th:
EuHEA PhD Conference 2025 - Abstract Submission via ConfTool
Presentation formats
Two presentation formats are available: full paper and short presentation. The desired format can be chosen when submitting the abstract. In the case of a full paper presentation, at least a working paper/draft paper must be available for the discussant by the end of June.
Session format "full paper" (around 45 slots):
- 25 minutes presentation by the author
- 15 minutes discussion by another student’s supervisor
- 10 minutes for questions and general discussion
Session format "short presentation" (around 20 slots):
- 15 minutes presentation by the author
- 5 minutes general discussion
Note that session assignment may change depending on the number of submissions received.
We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels!