June 30
July 01
July 02
July 03

Presentation Upload

For oral - long and short - presentations, we highly recommend all presenters to prepare a visual presentation of their research.

Presentation Files

Please use the Call for Papers-Tool (you already used for uploading your abstract(s)) to upload your presentation(s) and ensure to follow these guidelines:

  • Prepare Your Presentation: Ensure your presentation is in one of the following formats: PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) or PDF (.pdf).

  • For organised sessions: Note that only the session organiser can upload all presentations of the session.

  • File Naming Convention: Name your file using the following format: YYYYMMDD(Day of presentation)_No. Parallel Session_No. Auditorium_Surname Presenter. For example, "20240701_1_TC.2.03_Wimmer.pptx".

  • Deadline: All presentations must be uploaded by Saturday, 29th June 2024 (23:59 CET). This will allow us sufficient time to organise the presentations and address any technical issues that may arise. In case you are not able to upload your presentation by the deadline, please ensure that you have it available on a USB-drive.

Please find detailed instructions on how to upload your presentation(s) here.


  • Do I have to upload my presentation?
    No, you can also bring a USB-drive or connect your own device to the conference hardware. Please note that Apple devices, including all forms of adapters, are not compatible with the conference hardware. Furthermore, we do not recommend linking to external media in presentations. Should your presentation necessitate a different format or software, you may connect your own device to the conference hardware.

  • Can I send my presentation by e-mail?
    Unfortunately, we cannot accept presentations sent by email. We therefore ask you to upload your presentation yourself or bring your own USB-drive or device.

  • Can I update or change my presentation?
    You can always repeat the steps of uploading a presentation, thereby replacing the old presentation with a new one. Kindly note that any uploads have to take place before 29th June 2024 (23:59 CET).

  • What happens if I upload my presentation after the deadline?
    If you upload your presentation after Saturday, 29th June 2024 (23:59 CET), our conference staff cannot download and prepare your presentation before your session. You will have to bring your own USB-drive or device.

  • How can I be sure that my changes have been saved?
    You can review the presentation file you have uploaded by logging into the Call for Papers website, navigating to Presentation upload. Click on the Presentation symbol to open your presentation file.

  • What should I do if I have successfully logged into the website but cannot find the option to upload my presentation?
    If you have successfully navigated to Presentation upload but your abstract title or organised session title does not show up, kindly check whether you have logged into the account you have submitted the abstract from. Some participants might have two accounts (with different e-mail-addresses), however the abstract or organised session can only be seen in the account they were submitted from.

    If you do not have the Presentation upload option in the upper right corner of the window. Kindly contact conference2024@euhea.eu.

  • Will my presentation be shared with the other participants?
    No, your presentation will not be shared. Only the conference staff have access to the presentations, and they only use this access to download your presentation to the local computer before your session. After your session, your presentation will be deleted from the local device.
    After the conference, the presentation files will be deleted from the Call for Papers system. The program itself, including the name of the presentation, the abstract, the presenter and the co-authors, will remain online.

  • Can I share my presentation or request other participants presentation?
    You are of course welcome to share your presentation with others. Unfortunately, there is no option within our system to share your presentation or to request other participants presentations.

  • Do I have to upload my whole paper as well?
    No, there is no option to upload your paper.