A Name and Headquarters
Article 1
The "European Health Economics Association" (hereinafter EuHEA or Association) has been constituted under Article 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code with headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. Said Association is governed by Swiss Law.
B Purpose
Article 2
The purpose of the Association is to promote cooperation among all national health economics associations and health economics groups in Europe as well as to profile and foster health economics at European universities.
C Means
Article 3
- In pursuing its purpose as defined in Article 2, the Association may use the membership contributions of its member organizations as determined by the Association's Assembly of Delegates.
- Membership contributions depend on the maximum number of delegates a member organisation may appoint to the Assembly of Delegates.
- The Association may accept donations and earn money through its own efforts such as, but not limited to, organising the EuHEA Conferences.
- Liability for obligations is strictly limited to the Association’s endowment. Any personal liability of the members of the Association is expressly precluded.
D Membership
Article 4
- European national or supranational health economics associations or groups may become member organisations of the Association with the right to vote.
- Applications for membership are to be sent to the Association’s President; the final decision on their acceptance rests with the Association's Executive Committee.
- Membership expires upon withdrawal or exclusion from the Association.
- Resignation from the Association is possible only as per the end of the calendar year and must be sent in written form to the Association's President.
- A member can be excluded from the Association. The Executive Committee takes the final decision on any exclusion; members may appeal any such decision before the Assembly of Delegates.
E Governing Bodies
Article 5
The organs of the Association are:
- the Assembly of Delegates;
- the Executive Committee;
- the Finance Committee;
- the Early Career Committee.
Article 6
- The Association's supreme organ ist the Assembly of Delegates. An ordinary Assembly of Delegates takes place at least biannually on the occasion of the EuHEA Conference. The Executive Committee may call extraordinary assemblies.
- Calls for the Assembly of Delegates will be sent out to members in writing one month prior to the Assembly and will include an agenda.
- The Assembly of Delegates has the following inalienable duties:
- Voting into or out of office of the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Early Career Committee;
- Determination of and changes to the bylaws;
- Acceptance of the annual accounts and the auditor's report;
- Decision on the annual budget;
- Determination of the membership fees;
- Settlement of appeals against exclusions;
- Determination of the EuHEA Conference venue.
- Member organisations with 200 or less individual members may appoint one delegate to the Assembly of Delegates. Member organisations with more than 200 and less than 500 individual members may appoint two delegates to the Assembly of Delegates. Member organisations with 500 or more individual members may appoint three delegates to the Assembly of Delegates.
- In the Assembly of Delegates, each delegate has one vote.
- The Assembly of Delegates takes decisions with a simple majority and decisions may be taken by circular letter.
Article 7
- The Executive Committee has the authority to take decision on all matters not attributed to another organ. Decisions are taken with a simple majority and may be taken by circular letter.
- The Executive Committee is composed of nine persons.
- The Executive Committee includes the Past President, the President, the President-Elect, the Executive Secretary, the Chair of the Early Career Committee, and four ordinary committee members.
- The term of office of all members of the Executive Committee is two years.
- Re-election for the ordinary committee members is possible once. Re-election of the Executive Secretary is possible twice.
Article 8
- The President represents the Association vis-a-vis third parties. The President heads the Assembly of Delegates and the meetings of the Executive Committee and has the deciding vote.
- If the President is unable to exercise his duties, the Executive Committee appoints a deputy.
Article 9
The secretariat supports the activities of the Executive Committee and is subordinated to the President. The secretariat is responsible for managing the daily operations of EuHEA and supporting its activities.
Article 10
Every two years, the Assembly of Delegates elects the Finance Committee composed of at least two experts. The Finance Committee produces a yearly audit report.
Article 11
- The Early Career Committee is comprised of one Chair and one representative for each of the Association’s member organisations.
- The Chair of the Early Career Committee is nominated by the President Elect for the term of her or his presidency and approved by the Assembly of Delegates.
- The term of office of the representatives is three years. Each individual representative can serve a maximum of two terms.
F Regulation of Implementation
Article 12
The Executive Committee stipulates procedural regulations for the Association’s membership fees. Within the limits of the statutes, the Executive Committee can stipulate further procedural regulations.
Article 13
Any differences within the Association will be settled out of court by mediation according to recognized mediation rules.
G Dissolution of the Association
Article 14
In the case of dissolution of the Association, the Assembly of Delegates will decide on the use of any proceeds from the liquidation.
H Entry into Force of the Bylaws
Article 15
These Bylaws were accepted on the occasion of the Assembly of Delegates on September 6, 2023, and came into effect as per this date. These Bylaws replace the Bylaws of the founding assembly from January 21, 2013, and the revision of July 6, 2022.
The president: Mathias Kifmann, PhD
The secretary: Stefan Boes, PhD