Welcome to the European Health Economics Association

EuHEA promotes cooperation among all national health economics associations and groups in Europe. It also aims to profile and foster health economics at European universities.


EuHEA was founded in 2013 to promote cooperation among all national health economics associations and health economics groups in Europe as well as to profile and foster health economics at European universities. It is an association of national health economic associations, the EuHEA members. Its founding members are

  • French Health Economics Association represented by Sophie Béjean
  • German Health Economics Association represented by Friedrich Breyer
  • Health Economics Study Group, United Kingdom represented by Robert Elliott
  • Italian Health Economic Association represented by Giacomo Pignataro
  • Portuguese Health Economic Association represented by Céu Mateus
  • Spanish Health Economic Association represented by Marta Trapero-Bertran
  • Swiss Health Economic Association represented by Stefan Felder

Since 2014, the EuHEA PhD & Supervisor Conference has taken place every year at different locations in Europe. It is organized by EuHEA's Early Career Committee and local organizers.

The first EuHEA Biannual Conference took place in 2016. This conference has become a major event in the health economics community, bringing together health economists from all over Europe and beyond. It is organized by EuHEA's Executive Committee and local organizers.

Since 2020, EuHEA has organized the online EuHEA Seminar Series. A scientific committee chaired by European health economists coordinates the series.


2013 – 2016

Pedro Pita Barros

2016 – 2018

Andrew Jones

2018 – 2020

Lise Rochaix

2020 – 2022

Dorte Gyrd-Hansen

2022 – 2024

Mathias Kifmann

2024 – 2026

Aleksandra Torbica

2026 – 2028

Céu Mateus

Executive secretaries

2013 – 2020

Stefan Felder

2020 – 2026

Stefan Boes

Chairs of the Early Career Committee

2017 – 2020

Rachel Meacock

2020 – 2022

Liza Sopina

2022 – 2024

Katrin Zocher

2024 – 2026

Mervi Rantsi