Panel Discussion
It gives us great pleasure to announce the EuHEA conference 2024 panel discussion with high-profile experts:
New Perspectives on the Healthcare Workforce Crisis
A multitude of healthcare systems have been grappling with a shortage of healthcare personnel for years or even decades. The COVID-19 pandemic has unveiled the strain on healthcare resources, which intensified with each pandemic wave. The reasons for these shortages are manifold. Firstly, an ageing population increases demand, while an ageing workforce means that large cohorts of personnel retire. Secondly, some countries are attempting to reduce public expenditures by tightening the budgets in the healthcare sector. Similarly, in professional education, there is a lack of international coordination with some countries imposing austerity measures on the often expensive training of professionals. Furthermore, societal changes and generational differences mean that new challenges must be addressed, like feminisation and work-life balance.
It is evident that the workforce crisis in healthcare is multi-faceted and requires a multitude of challenges to be tackled. In accordance with the conference theme, "Opening up perspectives," we have invited experts with diverse backgrounds to discuss one of the most pressing issues currently facing healthcare systems.
- Christian Karagiannidis - President of the German Society of Medical Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DGIIN), Member of the Governmental Commission for the Hospital Reform
- Ellen Kuhlmann - Past-President and Initiator of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) Section Health Workforce Research
- Federico Pratellesi - Health Policy Researcher at OECD
- Carol Propper - Professor of Economics at Imperial College London
- Victoria Serra-Sastre - Senior Lecturer, City, University of London
- Ruth Waitzberg - European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies