Keynote speakers
Sherry Glied

Sherry Glied, New York University
First plenary "What the COVID pandemic taught us about the US health care system"
Sherry Glied is Dean of New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. From 1989-2013, she was Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. She was Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management from 1998-2009. On June 22, 2010, Glied was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation at the Department of Health and Human Services, and served in that capacity from July 2010 through August 2012. She had previously served as Senior Economist for health care and labor market policy on the President’s Council of Economic Advisers in 1992-1993, under Presidents Bush and Clinton, and participated in the Clinton Health Care Task Force. She has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine, the National Academy of Social Insurance, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and served as a member of the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking. She was the 2021 recipient of the William B. Graham Prize for Health Services Research from the Association of University Programs in Health Administration.
Steinar Holden

Steinar Holden, University of Oslo
Second plenary: "Optimal policies for the corona pandemic"
Steinar Holden Is Professor and Head of Department of Economics at the University of Oslo. His main research areas are macroeconomics, wage setting and labour markets. Steinar Holden has been Head of several public commissions in Norway, on various topics within macroeconomics and labour markets, and also member of the Swedish Fiscal Council. From 2001 to 2005, he was Editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics. During the corona pandemic, Steinar Holden was Head of an expert group assigned to evaluate the effects of Nonpharmaceutical interventions. The group submitted five reports evaluating the health, economic and welfare effects of corona policies. Steinar Holden has also written background reports for the Swedish and Norwegian corona commissions.
Dorte Gyrd-Hansen

Dorte Gyrd-Hansen (EuHEA President), University of Southern Denmark
Third plenary: Presidential address
Dorte Gyrd-Hansen is Professor of Health Economics at the Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark and leads the Danish Centre for Health Economics (DaCHE). Previous positions include professorships at the University of Queensland and Copenhagen Business School, and a position as Director of Research at the Danish Institute of Health Services Research. Gyrd-Hansen’s research focuses mainly on experimental health economics and behavioural economics. She has 165 peer-reviewed publications in international journals including Health Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Social Science & Medicine, New England Journal of Medicine, and Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization. She has successfully supervised 22 PhD students on a broad range of topics within the area of health economics. She has been an associate editor of Health Economics since 2016 and is now an editor. Gyrd-Hansen has participated in several largescale European projects and is also engaged in influencing national health policy. She is a member of the Danish Medicines Council and the Danish Scientific Council of Prevention.
Mathias Kifmann

Mathias Kifmann, University of Hamburg
Closing plenary: “Sustainable financing of the welfare state: the case of social health insurance”
Mathias Kifmann is Professor of Economics at the Department of Socioeconomics of the University of Hamburg and a member of the Hamburg Center for Health Economics. He is director of the M.Sc. program “Health Economics and Health Care Management”. Before joining the University of Hamburg, he was Professor of Public Economics and Social Policy at the University of Augsburg and a Lecturer at the University of Konstanz where he obtained his doctorate in Economics in 2001. Kifmann’s research is focused on the design of social health insurance systems, the use of financial incentives in health care and the political economy of health care. His scientific work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Health Economics, the Journal of Health Economics, the Journal of Public Economic Theory, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, and Public Choice. Mathias has been an editor of the Journal of Health Economics since 2018. Together with Friedrich Breyer and Peter Zweifel he has written the textbook Health Economics. He belongs to the founding members of the German Health Economics Association and is its current president. He has been involved in the organization of the European Health Economics Workshop, serving as organizer and member of the scientific committee.